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Tweedos Tweeting Tweets on Twitter

Twitter, tweeting, retweeting, and tweedos have engulfed our society. If you're a business - or simply trying to market yourself as the product - Twitter can be absolutely, posi-tweetly beneficial to your success.

Question: How do we stand out from the other millions of tweedos trying to bombard our timelines with feelings, thoughts, and pictures of what they had for lunch?

Answer: You are unique! You already stand out! But really, your tweets should be divided into two different categories - direct responses and tweet engagement.

Direct response tweeting is getting straight to the point. You may have heard the old adage, "if you don't ask, you don't get." This applies to social media platforms too. Around 20% of your tweets (so, if you're the kind of tweeter with 10,000 tweets, that's 2000 tweets) should be you asking for what you want. If you're a business, this means directly selling to your consumers. Add direct links to your products or special promo codes - just drive customers to your site.

What if you're just trying to market yourself? Use these two thousand tweets to build yourself as a brand. Post links to your favorite blog, give your professional opinion on an important issue, or share an article you found interesting. Give your audience the impression that you take life seriously 20% of the time.

The other 8000 of your tweets should be building your followers' interest in who you are. Be creative and thoughtful about your desired tweet reputation. What do you want to be known for? Hopefully you don't bombard your page with scam links. What do you want your followers' impression to be? This can be via picture, popular conversation, YouTube link, you name it. Engage when companies do that whole, "which would you choose?" bit. Get that Twitter handle out there. Put on your big boy feathers.

These are just a few ideas that could help you out with your Twitter presence. If you are consistent with your tweet engagement (that means you have to log on more than once a year...) and post things that people care about, you'll have a stronger following base. It's that simple.

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