Tweedos Tweeting Tweets on Twitter
Twitter, tweeting, retweeting, and tweedos have engulfed our society. If you're a business - or simply trying to market yourself as the...
Happy Social Media Birthday!
In honor of my twenty-first birthday, I've decided to post on behalf of all the Instagram birthday collages and Facebook posts that have...
KJB Security Blogs
Check out the two blog posts I co-authored for Nashville-based security firm, KJB Security: "Spying on Seniors: How Granny Cams allow...
The Perfect Interview Drink
You probably read the title of this post and thought, "What on earth is this girl talking about? Interview drink? What?" Truth of the...
An Open Letter To Print Media
Dear Print Media, As a PR student, the first thing that people tell me is that you've already died. Then, I have to tell them that I just...